Basic Usage

The usage of the beeSpaces-API is pretty straightforward, it’s a single HTTP-POST. The data that needs to be included in this request however is heavily dependent on the actual setup and the requirements of the target environment. Therefore, it’s not a bad idea to have a rough overview of the Architecture in mind, to gather the required information fast and to understand certain constraints.

Placing an Order

As already mentioned above, a order can be placed with a simple HTTP-POST. The requests are protected by an API key sent with the HTTP header.

curl -L -X POST '' \
    -H 'apikey: c0n70s0' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{...}'

The data-raw parameter contains a JSON-Object with the detailed order information and certain settings.

interface OrderData {
  // environment specific order data
  [property: string]: string | boolean | User | User[];

  // name of the beeSpaces template
  template: string;

  // computed properties based on the order data
  computed?: {[property: string]: string};

  // additional provisioning settings
  settings?: {
    // for spaces including sharepoint, a reference to the PnP-Provisioning-Template
    template?: PnPTemplateReference;

    // for pre- and postprovisioning please see the advanced usage page
    preprovisioning?: PostPreProvisioningOptions;
    postprovisioning?: PostPreProvisioningOptions;

interface User {
  UserPrincipalName: string;

interface PnPTemplateReference {
  site: string;
  path: string;
  name: string;

As stated in the Architecture section, beeSpaces uses SharePoint lists to manage orders. Therefore, the order data must be aligned with the SharePoint-ContentTypes used in the lists. As a small example the Projekt (Team Workspace) content type from the basic setup has the following “columns”:

Display Name Field Type Status
WorkspaceType WorkspaceType Choice Hidden
Projektnummer Projektnummer Text, Single Line Required
Kurzbeschrieb Kurzbeschrieb Text, Multiline Required
Owner Owner User Required
Member Member User Optional
Titel Title Text, Single Line Required

The POST body could look like the following:

  "Title": "Dragonfly",
  "Projektnummer": "FY2019-551815",
  "Kurzbeschrieb": "Studium von Saturns Eismond Titan und fortführende Forschung zu den Bausteinen des Lebens im Universum.",
  "Owner": { "UserPrincipalName": "" },
  "Member": [
    { "UserPrincipalName": "" },
    { "UserPrincipalName": "" }

  "template": "Projekt",

  "computed": {
    "teamTitle": "PRJ Dragonfly",
    "teamAlias": "PRJ-FY2019-551815"

  "settings": {
    "template": {
      "site": "",
      "path": "WorkspaceResources/Workspace-Projekt.xml",
      "name": "Projekt"

The computed section in the above example includes the values teamTitle and teamAlias. These values are usually “computed” based on the user inputs and some configurations by the SharePoint-UI.

The computed values are only required if the PnP-Provisioning-Template references these fields (as the template from the basic installation does).

<!-- ... -->
  <pnp:Parameter Key="TeamTitle">{computed.teamTitle}</pnp:Parameter>
  <pnp:Parameter Key="TeamAlias">{computed.teamAlias}</pnp:Parameter>
  <pnp:Parameter Key="Description">{computed.teamTitle}</pnp:Parameter>
<!-- ... -->

Tracking the Provisioning

The above POST request can lead to usual errors like 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden or 500 Internal Server Error if something went wrong with placing the order. The provisioning itself is executed asynchronously as it could take several minutes until completion. Therefore, a 202 Accepted is returned if the order was successfully placed at the API.

The 202 Accepted response includes a tracking id and a polling URL to track the provisioning progress:

    "id": "005777a277d04f56992801b52cd49411",
    "statusQueryGetUri": ""

With the URL value statusQueryGetUri the actual progress of the provisioning can be polled:

curl -L -X GET '' \
    -H 'apikey: c0n70s0'

The response of the above GET could look like this:

  "instanceId": "005777a277d04f56992801b52cd49411",
  "runtimeStatus": "Running",
  "customStatus": {
    "step": "Provisioning"
  "output": null,
  "createdTime": "2021-10-20T06:22:10Z",
  "lastUpdatedTime": "2021-10-20T06:24:38Z"
is the actual job identifier or, if you wish, the tracking token
is the actual status of the provisioning. Possible states are:
  • Pending: The job has been scheduled but has not yet started running.
  • Running: The job has started running and is actually executed.
  • Completed: The job has completed normally.
  • Failed: The job failed with an error.
  • Terminated: The job was stopped abruptly.
represents the actual provisioning step or phase. Possible values are:
  • Initialization: The job has just started and is initializing required resources
  • Order Registration: The job is placing the order to the order list (SharePoint)
  • Pre-Provisioning: A Pre-Provisioning job is currently executed
  • Provisioning: The main provisioning phase is executed
  • Post-Provisioning: A Post-Provisioning job is currently executed
  • Termination: The provisioning is completed and the job is cleaning up temporary resources
  • Completed: The job has completed
once completed (runtimeStatus = 'Completed' || runtimeStatus =='Failed'), contains the results of the provisioning steps respectively an error message.